Agency for branding, advertising and design | evoq Zurich Cologne

lti und Sentido

Brand migration

The best of both worlds

Perfect combination of two brands

The best of both worlds - lti and Sentido brand migration

Two hotel brands were to become one. Since the hotel chain lti of DER Touristik and the newly acquired Sentido chain were very similar in terms of their philosophy and orientation and also had the same target group, this was a logical step.

Based on the common brand core of the Sentido and lti hotels (enjoy holidays with all five senses), an appearance was created that contains and refines characteristic elements of both existing brands.

A new, strong hotel brand

For the logo, the Sentido brand name was combined with the lti font and the lti colour gold. Typical design elements of both brands were also combined to create a new, coherent appearance, which was also given an extended colour palette.

The result is an appearance that can be flexibly adapted to the respective hotel environment. Each Sentido hotel is thus unique and yet unmistakably a Sentido. The brand identity flexibly adjusts to country-specific and building-specific conditions, ensuring the hotels' unique character is preserved. This approach ensures that guests always enjoy a familiar Sentido experience with a fresh and unique touch at every location.

Always individual, always Sentido

The echoes of the host country's traditions, coupled with the brand identity's freedom to express the personality of each individual hotel, result in a highly distinctive sensory experience at every property.

Brand book as an acquisition tool

The flexibility of the appearance not only allows other destinations, e.g. alpine hotels, to be gathered under the Sentido umbrella in addition to the beach hotels, but also makes the brand interesting for previously independent hotels. Thus, the brand book for hoteliers, which ensures that the brand is lived consistently everywhere, is also an ideal acquisition tool.


lti und Sentido


Brand migration

Extension of the brand

Logo and claim

CI and CD

Building labelling inside and outside

Hotel facilities

Brand management

Campaign for hotel acquisition

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evoq – Sentido Corporate Design Manual

evoq – Sentido Katalog

evoq – Sentido Visitenkarten

evoq – Sentido Website

evoq – Sentido Empfang

evoq – Sentido Empfang

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