Agency for branding, advertising and design | evoq Zurich Cologne

Sozialwerk Pfarrer Sieber

Winter campaign 2023

Spänd jetzt en Platz

«Donate a place to sleep now» – The «Pfuusbus» as a place where everyone can find a safe, warm place is at the centre of the winter campaign of Sozialwerk Pfarrer Sieber. evoq is showing the NPO from a slightly different angle and creating a contrast to the wet and grey pre-Christmas period.

Cross-media fundraising campaign for Sozialwerk Pfarrer Sieber

Bright pink and happy faces bring colour to the wet grey of Zurich's winter. evoq is deliberately placing Zurich's most traditional emergency shelter and thus the heart of the NPO's long-standing commitment at the centre of the campaign: the «Pfuusbus» (Slumber-bus).

The «Pfuusbus», an icon of the city of Zurich

For over 20 years, homeless and needy people have found shelter in the «Pfuusbus» during the cold season. But what is probably the best-known emergency shelter in the city of Zurich is much more than just a warm room and a place to sleep for those affected. It is a place where all those people who are marginalised by society find their place.

An eye-catcher in the dark season

Based on the setup in Zurich Albisgüetli, the campaign focuses on the eye-catching colour of the pink awning and stages the «Pfuusbus» as an iconographic form that offers everyone a safe home in an understanding and non-judgemental community. The strong colour scheme and striking shape are the unifying element across all media and characterise the campaign visuals. A real eye-catcher in the usual sea of stars and lights.

Mailing, posters and social media videos

The centrepiece of the fundraising campaign is an addressed mailing and a flyer, in which the stories of those affected are portrayed and at the same time show how important the «Pfuusbus» is in their lives. Reach and visibility are further increased by hanging boxes in the VBZ trams, F12L posters at the main railway station, promotional areas in post offices as well as adverts and newspaper supplements.

In addition to the print realisations, five short spots on various topics on social media ensure additional involvement and complement the media mix. The aim is always to direct viewers to the landing page and motivate them to make a donation.


Sozialwerk Pfarrer Sieber




Scatter throw



Videos for social media

Landing page design and programming

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evoq – Sozialwerk Pfarrer Sieber Mailing Winterkampagne 2023

"In the «Pfuusbus», I found a place of hope, a lighthouse in the storms of my life."

Luis, former homeless person

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evoq – Sozialwerk Pfarrer Sieber Winterkampagne 2023

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