Agency for branding, advertising and design | evoq Zurich Cologne
A world tour in one place
Uplifting an old containership: it is to become a trendy city hotel in the harbour
A hotel for cosmopolitans
A very special hotel concept was created for very special people: Global Citizens. People who feel at home all over the world and are inspired by cultures, architecture and landscapes. Who like to dream of distant destinations even on a short trip and are looking for something special.
The fascination of seafaring
When you board a ship, you leave your everyday life behind and start dreaming of faraway places. All the more so when the dream world has an authentic setting - the ship, the containers are real, the feeling that every corner is full of experiences is not deceptive.
Containers are citizens of the world made of steel
A ship that has sailed all the world's oceans has come home - and like any old sea dog, it has a lot to "tell". Disused containers become spaces that continue to carry the world they have travelled. They are full of trendy locations from every continent. Colours, patterns and furnishing styles transport guests to foreign countries - with authentic flair.
Diversity instead of uniformity
In a world where globalisation for the travel experience often enough means that when you wake up in your hotel room according to "international standards", you don't know whether you are in Sidney, Singapore or Stuttgart, we take the opposite approach. We pack the world into containers and bring them to our guests.
Simply go on a world trip in between
On the Global Citizenship, a quick trip to a faraway favourite place is just as possible as a trip around the world on a weekend - everything without jet lag, simply in between and with a small ecological footprint.
Global Citizenship
Interior Design
Brand and CI