Agency for branding, advertising and design | evoq Zurich Cologne


Communication concept and internet marketing

It's all about performance

Closer to the user

More awareness and new distribution channels for a hidden champion

Skylotec GmbH is one of the leading manufacturers of personal protective equipment against falls from a height (PPE) and safety systems in the fields of sports and industry. However, the positive image of the brand has so far been very rational. An emotional bond was to be built up and strengthened with the professional climbers, especially the "stars" of the industry, the RBA climbers (Rope Based Access). In addition to a stronger and more emotional brand image, this should also further increase brand awareness. Skylotec should no longer be perceived as a manufacturer, but rather as an expert in fall protection.

The Skylotec Performance Team

The solution: a dedicated team for RBA competitions - but not a bought pool of professional climbers, but literally a Skylotec team, consisting of the people who develop and manufacture the products. The key message: Skylotec's RBA products were developed by engineers and practitioners who are passionate RBA climbers themselves. They understand the specific safety and versatility requirements of professional RBA climbers. Skylotec develops and tests products where it matters: In action.

The Skylotec Performance Team website, designed and created by evoq, introduces the members of the team in text, pictures and videos, features training and product videos, and is also where the competition to which the team challenges the stars of the industry is presented and where registrations are managed.

International Safety and Rescue Masters, powered by Skylotec

There are some RBA competitions The International Safety and Rescue Masters, initiated by Skylotec, is, like the Skylotec team, different. It is not primarily about spectacular sport, but about true mastery where it really counts: in the rescue and recovery of people.

The team captain presents the individual challenges in a series of videos. Potential participants are made aware of this via newsletters and web marketing and can then register for the event on the team page.

(Note: Due to Corona, the competition planned for summer 2020 unfortunately had to be postponed).

Product presentations

In short videos, members of the team show their products, explain what was taken into account during the design process and what the advantages are when working with them. Explanations from professionals for professionals.

Health Care

Safety first - in every situation. The team's motto was given a whole new meaning by Corona. The newly added "Health" division at Skylotec, which mainly includes masks, but also various cleaning and disinfection products for people and equipment, was therefore perfectly integrated on the team side. With the required speed, a sales platform with an interface to the Skylotec logistics system and a powerful web campaign could be developed and implemented.

Marketing Vertical Rescue College

The team's "living room" is the Vertical Rescue College, Skylotec's training centre. So it made sense to also incorporate the marketing of the Curse here and at other Skylotec locations into the campaign as well - from teaser video and banner advertising to online booking.




Communication strategy

Website development


Banner advertising



Event marketing

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evoq – Skylotec Website

evoq – Skylotec Website Smartphone

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